Friday, 12 February 2010

missing daddy

Since day 1 we will hold Lemmy as much as we could and watch his every move!
A wonder. The best gift. Lots of firsts. We didn't want to miss a thing!
Lemmy will be awake in his moses basket, doing all those little cute noises, observing everything, and be quite happy. Just hanging out. When he was getting sleepy he will just cry a bit and of course we pick him up. I treasure all those moments of cuddling, letting him sleep in my chest or Marc's. Precious moments that will never come back.
Those first months I was actually getting more sleep with him around that when he was in my belly! Such a strong kicker!
He will sleep through the night at only weeks old. From 11 to 7 am. Some days slept in until 9 or 10! Which I had to wake him up before my boobs exploded! Sometimes he will wake up from pain, or who knows what? We always picked him up and comfort him.
Mornings came and I couldn't wait to hold him again!

We did went through a rough patch though when he hit 5 months. What happened? I believe it was mainly our fault with not keeping a regular napping & sleeping times.
We tried everything that we felt it was right for him and nothing helped. Read tons of books, websites, research, got advises..etc.. pray.

Finally, we find that the one thing that did help-which I got from one bad book-was that we needed to help him have regular naps and an early night. Duh!
Mainly, to follow him. To read and know the signs when he gets sleepy..etc..another duh!
Since then, we started to have great nights again, and the ocasional not so great ones.

Even now, Lemmy, who is 19 months old, sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night. Not as before, thankfully! But with a reason: A huge burp, a huge fart, tummy aches, cold, wet...or just needed a cuddle.

When they are little they communicate with crying. They can't express with words yet, and that's the only way for them to tell us that something is not right.
Now, Lemmy is starting to speak. So, he just says: agua when he is thirsty. Or cry if he doesn't know how to express what's wrong. We comfort him. ( this is during the middle of the night) During the day, he clearly comunicates what he wants or needs!

Marc has been a full time dad since day 1! Since he is self employe and a musician he spends lots of time with Lemmy. And they both adore each other. Their bond is strong. I love seeing them together!
When Marc has to go away for a couple of days, is a bit hard on Lemmy. When he was a baby, he will refused to sleep on his cot and wanted to be in bed with me. Then Marc comes home, and he is back happy in his cot.
After many months home with daddy. Suddenly he has to record an album. A very difficult one cause all the songs are new, meaning the process is sloooow.
Poor little Lemmy! He misses his daddy soo much!
First he will ask for Marc's videos on youtube. He watches it over and over and over. Asks for papa thousand times a day. Calls him on my mobile phone- not sure how!- and even leaves him messages!! yes! clever little boy!
He asks for daddy's song before bed, and before naps. Fells sleeps with Guns in the distance or storm will come ( the only tunes i have of him in my phone). note: I need to put more!
Well, is hard on all of us.
Marc leaves in the morning and comes home really late at night. So, lately Lemmy has been waking up about 4 am, 5 am, or 6 am just to hung out with daddy!!
At first I got so upset because Marc is so tired that he lies down on bed and then he fells sleep with Lemmy on his chest. I don't want him to disrupt his sleep now, he is almost 2! But Marc was telling me, Vero, he will grip his hands so strong on my neck. He wouldn't let me put him down. And to be honest, I miss him so much, I wanted to be with him.
Lemmy needed his daddy. He misses him too, and who knows what's going on in his little mind of him when he doesn't see his daddy as often as before? He needs the assurance, the love, the closeness. And if he can't get it during the normal awake times so then let it be at 4 am! and sleep until 7 on daddy's chest!

Life is short. This moments are not coming back. I don't regret having my son sleeping on my chest for 8 hours one afternoon! or holding him after a bad dream for how long he needs it. One day we wont be here. One day he will be a grown up. One day he won't need me to rock him or whisper songs to his ears. One day life may be busier than today. Carpe diem he he .I treasure every second I have with him. We both do. And as cheesy as it sounds, I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Lemmy in Spain, while Marc was back in the UK for 6 days recording the album.

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