Friday, 25 February 2011

Morning cereal

20th of February

It became a little routine for Lemmy to have oats with milk and bananas for breakfast. Sometimes I cook the oats with water and add a bit of cold milk with the bananas. Other times he eats the oats alone with milk and bananas. Raisins are added at times. This boy could live from that breakfast alone! He loves it, he longs for it every morning. At times he even jumps with joy when it's ready on the table ( if I take too long to wake up in the mornings) screaming : Cereals, cereals!

Here is the big bowl of oats.

 Enjoying it and the empty bowl.

 Many times he has finished 2 full bowls.

I think we started giving him oats when he was 1 year old. Since Marc and I decided not to give Lemmy any sugar,Chemicals And Additives , we started reading labels more often for what to offer our son. It is amazing the amount of crap/junk you can find in regular cereals. I read in one nutrition site how one bowl of cereal is equivalent to one Doughnut! auch! 
Reading about oats, we found out how good they are for our health. It is the best cereal for all people. It has so many properties and either alone or cooked is very nutritious. Marc and I started to crave that little breakfast  for ourselves and when we can, we eat it with some blueberries, agape syrup or honey (  I craved a bit of sweetness, thanks to my sweet upbringing!  I wish I was raised like Lemmy in that area!)

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