I had some work at a studio with a friend. Marc was looking after Lemmy in a park near by. It was another lovely warm day. It felt almost wrong to be stuck inside a studio in such a lovely sunny day. The sunny warm days are so rare in England that I feel like I'm gonna missed out if I'm not out! But, at least the days are longer, so as soon as I finished we went for a short pic nick for dinner with my little family. It was a sweet time.

Lemmy playing with daddy while mummy works

Lemmy likes to give a bite to the sandwich, run around for a bit, cuddling with daddy, and come back to the sandwich for another bite.

Lemmy showing an owie to daddy. His face! Note : Marc is not pushing him, he was about to hold him.:)

Lemmy found our receipt and is reading: it says papa!
This is the life!
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